
Quarentine's test

- Berlin, 21:30.

Day 35. The same view. Through my window, I see the lights from homes. I see people on the bridge, talking. Sometimes we go out, to walk, to do groceries, to get some sun. But it stills hurts. It hurts not to be able to hug friends. The desire is to escape through the window and simply walk around, like none of this was going on.

I get my camera and decide to do some tests. It's been a long time since I don't shoot at night. I started to play with different perspectives, shooting at low shutter-speeds, changing the focus and mounted on the tripod. After a few tests, this is the photo I liked the most. What does this picture represent to you? Tell me here in the comments ;)

Be well, energies coming out of my window, flying to you.
